What We Are Asked To Do

We have been counseled to keep journals. There are some things that happen in life that should be shared and others more sacred to be kept for another time that I write in my personal journal. This blog is my way of sharing those things I want to share with all of you.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Some Questions to Ponder….Or Not

1.  Do you have a 16-year-old learning to drive in the winter? 

2.  Do you have a car windshield that looks like this?



3. Do you still have Christmas decorations up?

4. Did you get pitch all over your hands when you took down your Christmas tree?

5.  Does your floor look like this from taking decorations off?


6.  Do you wonder why your girls need more than one bottle of body wash in their shower?


7. Do you use the couch cover as a blanket when you are tired?


8. Do you ever catch your son doing something he probably should not be doing?



9.  Did you have mice eat your Christmas stockings, so you used boots?


10.  Are you as excited about 2013 as I am?

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Attic Space


“Dirt is not dirt but only something in the wrong place.”


When T. and I look at homes to purchase, I look at the livable space and he looks at the space known as I will not EVER put myself in that place for any reason that I can come up with.   In this beautiful new home of ours, I considered the attic to be that space. 

I could only see myself telling T. to go up there and take care of whatever needed to be taken care of.  The last attic we had housed a family of squirrels, which lends itself to several humorous stories that only T. can tell real well.  Anyway, I am digressing.

We have lived in this home for six months and my husband has earned himself another gold star of my indebtedness to him for eternity.  He loves me and all my hoarding tendencies, but I know that he yearns for the day when I will relinquish my hold on some things I have acquired over the years.  We downsized when we bought this home and I got rid of a ton of stuff before we made our trek across states to come home.  

We were moving into this home and found that we had not downsized enough.  There still were boxes, boxes, and boxes of treasures stuff.  I was heading off to girls’ camp, so we just moved everything into the garage and basement and said we would get to it later.  

The other day when it was raining the girls heard a noise up in the ATTIC.  T. so bravely went up there to figure it out.  What he saw was a huge storage space that could hold TONS of prized possessions things.  He went up there by himself and I would never have known, but BLESS him.  He told me all about it!!   This man could have kept this little secret to himself, and I would have been none the wiser, and would have gotten rid of a lot more than I wanted to, but I would do it so that we could have more living space.  

I put on my BIG girl boots and went up there with him.  I did not take a picture, but I should have because the end product has made me very PROUD.  J. is needing a new dog house for her dog, so I had enlisted her help in cleaning it.  It will never be living space, but it makes an excellent storage space.   So today J. and I finished up the cleaning, and it is ready for the things we have planned to store up there. 

Not so fun was the dust and dirt.  We used face masks and had to wash all our clothes and take showers IMMEDIATELY afterwards.

I am so GRATEFUL for the extra space and for a husband who was WILLING to tell me about it.

