What We Are Asked To Do

We have been counseled to keep journals. There are some things that happen in life that should be shared and others more sacred to be kept for another time that I write in my personal journal. This blog is my way of sharing those things I want to share with all of you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Fine Young Man

Two years ago when T and I sent M off to EFY we never fathomed how it would affect her life both spiritually and temporally.  She met a young man there whom she friended.  They texted back and forth and back forth and I heard about some of these texts and got to know about this young man from these moments shared.  I met him last summer for the first time when I was BIG and pregnant and could not move.  From that brief encounter he seemed like a fine young man.  Then there was complete silence about this kid.  I figured he had went on to other things.  A month before M turned 18 I begin hearing his name in stories and texts again.

It became O this, O that, and guess what O said.  He came again to take her out and meet T.  By M's high school graduation, we realized that their was a little more interest there than just texting friends.  He drove approximately 2 hours to date her on the weekends.  In our brief encounters with him, it was fun to get to know him.  I got to experience face time with O and speaker phone with O and hear his voice in my home for hours on end every single night for the past five months.  I am thankful for those times to get to know him better and see what an awesome man he is and what a blessing he is to my daughter. 

He fits into our little family perfectly.  We love him and are grateful of the respect and love he has for our daughter.  We are grateful to his parents who raised a fine man who blesses our daughter's and our lives. 

He is an awesome young man who loves the Lord, and I am proud of the example he is.  Our little family adores him and are excited for his mission he will be serving for the next two years in the Oklahoma City mission.  We are just in awe of the example he is setting as well as M is setting in putting the Lord first before their own wants.  Our M will wait for him to come home after serving an honorable mission for the Lord, and we will rejoice in his return.  For now, we will support him through our prayers and letters and welcome him with open arms on his return.