What We Are Asked To Do

We have been counseled to keep journals. There are some things that happen in life that should be shared and others more sacred to be kept for another time that I write in my personal journal. This blog is my way of sharing those things I want to share with all of you.

Monday, July 1, 2013

18 Years

Since it has been 18 years, our wedding photos were actually taken with film cameras.  I do not have a scanner, so you will just have to imagine what we looked like back then---minus all the happy marriage weight from babies and good cooking and a little more hair on T’s head. 

When I reflect on the time T and I have had together so far, it just is surprising to me how the time has quickly gone by.  Coming out of the temple with my hand in my husband’s, I could not have imagined that it would have gone as fast as it has.  The things we have filled our lives with over the past 18 years have sure kept us busy.  I think because of that, the years have come and gone much quicker than we had had imagined

I just know without a doubt that there is not anyone I would rather have beside me than T.  He is the perfect man for me.  He balances me perfectly.  I firmly believe that Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he placed him in my life. 

Here we are living on our little acreage in the state that runs through our blood and feels like home, enjoying our 4 children and one little one on the way, grateful for all we have been blessed with and all the experiences we have shared together to make us closer and stronger.  We know there is still more to come and look forward to it together. 

Happy Anniversary T!

  I loved you 18 years ago, love you stronger today, and will continue to grow more in love with you in the years to come.