What We Are Asked To Do

We have been counseled to keep journals. There are some things that happen in life that should be shared and others more sacred to be kept for another time that I write in my personal journal. This blog is my way of sharing those things I want to share with all of you.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


We had been married almost 4 years, and life was going pretty good for T, M and I.  M and I hung out as much as possible with me having to work and go to school.  We had some real hard times with that her and I, but we worked through it the best we knew how.  She was my little shadow at home and I was her playmate for the most part.  Then the summer before my last year of college, T and I realized that it was time to give M a sibling.  She was pretty independent on a lot of things. I always wanted my children to be far enough apart that they would do some things on their own and we only had one child in diapers at a time.  So you can only imagine the joy M had when we told her she was going to be a big sister.  She was very excited.  I was due a month before I was to graduate.  I figured that would be perfect because then I was be pretty much recuperated before I went through graduation ceremony. 
This was back in the day before 3-D ultrasounds, so with J they were not absolutely sure she was girl like they were with M but said more than likely she was.  M loved to touch my belly and feel the baby kick and talk to the baby.  It was all so sweet.  Then I was one week overdue and getting so ready for this baby to come, but nothing was happening.  Then we were almost through the second week and after trying some natural ways to induce labor and not being successful, the doctor stripped my membranes and said if nothing happens, we will induce on Monday. 
This happened on Thursday night.  I started feeling contractions at about 5 in the morning and they were not too uncomfortable.  But I had begun pacing the house and little miss M. was pacing with me.  She did not want to leave my side but we told her that she would stay with Grandma and when we called, she could come see her baby sister.  She was still a little worried because she never left my side until grandma came and we said goodbye.  That was about 8 in the morning. 
T and I got things together and went to the hospital.  By 11:30 little J. bird had been born.  We thought she was broken because she never cried.  The delivery was completely opposite of M’s and that is all we knew before this one, so I was concerned for awhile that something was wrong with her, but the nurses assured me that it was her personality.  We chuckled because J weighed the same as M exactly but was longer by a couple of inches.
It did not work out exactly as planned because four days after she was born I stood in my graduating line, and it was not easy to stand that long just after giving birth, but I made it….we made it!!
She was so scrawny like a tiny bird that we started calling her J. bird.  She was so quiet and did not make any fuss unless she was being over loved by big sister or hungry.  She was very patient.  As time has gone on and her personality has blossomed, she is a very stubborn girl and there is no budging her when she gets something set in her mind. 
She is patient and kind. She works hard and is dedicated to those things she loves.  She is a good big sister.  She does not demand too much.  She is not a girly girl like her other two sisters. She enjoys the outdoors and has a great love of animals.  She loves learning to play the guitar and shooting guns.  She loves time with her dad.  They have been buddies since she was little.
I am blessed to call her my daughter. She blesses our lives daily. 
Happy Birthday My Sweet J. Bird!!!!