What We Are Asked To Do

We have been counseled to keep journals. There are some things that happen in life that should be shared and others more sacred to be kept for another time that I write in my personal journal. This blog is my way of sharing those things I want to share with all of you.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Our Baby Boy


Officially I cannot really say that anymore, but since he has been our only boy and our youngest for the past 8 years, it may take awhile to adjust to the fact that he is a big brother and one of two boys. 

When we decided that it was time to add to our family again, I told T that we would probably have to have a baby in a totally different season to get a boy because all our girls are spring babies. 

We had moved to a new house and gotten settled and our jobs were going smoothly.  The girls were enjoying all the new space we had, and I was feeling that it was time to add another baby to the mix. 

So after the holidays and the New Year went by and I started feeling nauseous, I knew we had another baby coming.  I did not have a ton of morning sickness, but enough to remind me that I was growing a new life.

My whole pregnancy I felt I needed a doctor who could do a c-section without handing over to another doctor, and at the time, I had no idea why.  Things went along smoothly, except the hot, hot summer came along changing the game.  I began to swell and become a little more miserable than I ever was with the girls.  I could not wear shoes except flip flops and they would cut into my feet.  I could not sit at my computer to work more than an hour before my legs would hurt and my hands would go numb.  I had a hard time walking and moving around.  We did not have air conditioning just were able to open windows and do the cross breeze thing and fans. 

We had the ultrasound and when they told us what we were having, T was in complete shock.  I am not exaggerating when I type he asked the ultrasound tech FIVE times to check the gender of our baby and FIVE times she said we were having a boy.  He was on cloud nine for so long.  He could not stop smiling all day long and started making father/son plans.

I went to the county fair and walked around and people would make mention of how BIG I was and we went to the rodeo with our friends and I climbed bleachers and tried to stay active and get the baby to come. 

September came and the due date came and nothing.  I was so swollen and ready and willing to have our little one.  Then I had contractions and went into the labor and delivery, but they were not consistent enough for the nurses and doctor to keep me because they were extremely full that day.  So the next day we had scheduled an induction because T had hunting coming up on the weekend. 

Three days overdue and we went into the hospital at 5 p.m. excited that by the end of the day we would have a little boy and would have him in our arms and our girls would have a little brother.  Neither one of us had even a clue how quick things could go south.  We got all settled in the room and they hooked me up to all the things like IV and monitor, etc.  Then the nurse started the Pitocin and contractions were coming and T and I were conversing back and forth, etc.  We were 30 minutes into it and the nurse said would you like some more to get things really going, and I said a little more.  So things were really going but I was only at a 5 when they checked.  The nurse said we can give you the max dose and really get this party started, so I was handling everything okay so I agreed.  If I had known how that agreement had turned out, I would have adamantly said no. 

They gave me the max dose, and I progressed quickly, but I could not breathe and they had to put oxygen on me and the one dose of pain medicine I asked for because the Pitocin was taking everything out of me leaked out of my IV onto the floor.  I was at an 8 and not going further and the monitor showed K’s vitals were gone. My thought was that I was going to give birth to a nonviable infant and I had worked so hard up to this point to have this baby boy.  They called in another doctor to consult and it was suggested the best possible outcome would be to take him c-section.  I said I just want him here safe and healthy so whatever it takes.

I have never seen the look in T’s eyes before and new he was unsure of how things were going.  Because it was an emergency they put me all the way out, and I had no clue what was happening.  I came out of anesthesia in pain I had never felt in my life before and frantically pushing the button they gave me to administered morphine.  That labor was a very traumatic situation for me.  I now had two different deliveries to recoup from, and my hormones were all out of whack. 

T said that the nurse came out of surgery to say the baby was okay but never mentioned me at all. He had no idea my outcome.  So until they actually put me in a room he had lots of thoughts going through his mind.  The doctor came to have a serious conversation with me about the delivery the next day.  He said to me that when they finally delivered K, it took them almost 30 minutes to get him to respond and breathe.  The one thing that gave them hope that he was okay is the blood gasses in the cord.  I thanked him for taking as long as he did and not give up on him, because we wanted this boy so much. 

I am thankful for the opportunity to be the mother of this little boy.  He brings a whole new dimension to our lives.  His little mind works so differently than the girls that I just marvel at the things he is interested in and the ideas that he has about stuff.  I also have a lot more dirt in my house because of this little guy.  I also receive great joy watching his father and him interact and watch their relationship develop. 

Happy 8th Birthday son!!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Patriot Defense




My husband has launched his business of teaching concealed carry classes for Idaho. 

Basic Concealed Carry Class…$60 a person.

The student will need a handgun and at least 50 rounds of ammo. If the student does not have a handgun, we can provide a handgun free of charge. Ammo can be provided for a fee.

Some Instructors do not offer a shooting portion of the Idaho CCW class because it is not required by Idaho Law. At Patriot Defense, we feel that it is important to not only teach you the basic knowledge of the laws and the equipment you will be using but to also teach you the basic skills of gun handling and marksmanship through a hands on approach.

We feel that our classes are best if taught in small groups of friends or family. In order to make this possible, we can come and teach you in the comfort of your own home. We are available evenings or weekends. You make the schedule that fits you the best.

You can contact us to schedule appointments or answer questions via text or phone at 1-620-794-6223 or email at patriotdefense13@yahoo.com

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Tid Bits


  • Summer is coming to a close.
  • School has started.
  • Enjoyed the county fair with family.
  • T has launched his side business.
  • One month to go and our baby will be here.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013



Don’t you snuggle with your bear when you watch the ipad?


We bought this when this young man was less than a year.  It has survived all this time. In a few weeks it will be retired to the basement to make room for something else.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2013




“The object of prayer is not to change the will of God, but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant, but that we must ask for in order to obtain.”


I have been thinking a lot about prayer lately.  I am amazed at this gift that has been so generously given to every single one of us by a loving Heavenly Father and saddened by the fact that I think it is under used and by some not even used at all.  I know that it is by prayer that I receive my greatest strength as a wife and a mother and that my home is protected because of prayer.  My family and I have received some powerful blessings because of prayer.  

My family and I need the protection that prayer offers us because Satan is real and he is trying very diligently to enter our home.  Because of the promise of this one scripture…  “Pray always, that you may come off conqueror; yea, that you may conquer Satan, and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work.” (Doctrine and Covenants 10:5) I know that prayer is powerful, and if it can conquer Satan and his servants, I want to be using it as often as possible

Monday, September 2, 2013

Memory Monday



I love my parents. I will be forever grateful for all the things they taught me growing up.  I miss seeing them together.  Sometimes the Lord gives me a tender mercy and allows me to remember the sound of my mother’s voice whether it be with something she used to say all the time or her laugh. T was talking about how he has to wash his hands all the time at work because of the lab he works in and how everything has to be sterile and how his hands were really dry.  It brought to my mind how my mother always washed her hands and they would crack and bleed from all the hand washing she did and her voice came to my mind with “Go wash your hands,” “wash your hands before you do that.” I am not as dedicated to that rule as my mother was, but I am grateful she taught me about cleanliness.  Oh how I miss her.  Yet, I know without a doubt she has been in my children’s lives before I even have had an opportunity to hold them in my own arms.  Each one of them has something of her in them.  I just wish we could sit side by side and together enjoy them…one day…one day it will be.

Sunday, September 1, 2013



I am not a real fan of the pregnancy belly pictures, but I suppose I should have at least one for documentation.  This is me with one month left to go.  Even though I am big as a house, I am truly grateful.  Even though it can be miserable, the hurting hips, the sore muscles, heartburn, and all the other challenges are so worth it.  We are truly grateful for this precious miracle.  We cannot wait to meet him!