I have been thinking quite a bit about my children and how they came to be in our little family. This month is our Little Cee’s birthday month. She is the youngest of the girls but number 3 in our family.
T needed a change of employment and a change of scenery in the year 2001 and so we embarked on a move to Oregon. Just before we made that decision and move, we found out we were expecting. I was 22 years old but would be 23 by the time the baby was born and had been a mom for 5 years already. We were EXCITED to be adding to our family.
The pregnancy itself was not hard, but what was happening in our lives during the pregnancy was VERY hard. It made for a lot of nights of crying myself to sleep. T got sick and broke out in hives on his feet, we could not seem to get rid of them. We tried all kinds of things.
There was the secret hope with this baby that it would be a boy because T needed a little boy buddy and someone to carry on his name. The ultrasound confirmed that we were being BLESSED with yet another little girl. I was okay with that because that meant they could all share a room, and I did not have to purchase different clothes.
T saw it as a lot of prom dresses and three weddings to save for and lots of sleepless dating nights. Then through MANY prayers and discussions, T and I decided that Oregon was not a place we could permanently put down roots and a month before Cee was born we decided to move back to Idaho.
All I could focus on at the time was having this baby. I would think about everything else when that was done. So 4 days before her due date, I woke up around midnight with a sudden urge to use the bathroom and a mild contraction when my water broke. I woke T and he woke his mother to let her know what was happening, and T and I made the 20 mile drive to Salem, Oregon. We had driven this route several times so that T would feel comfortable driving there on his own. (He hates big cities and driving in them.)
We made it to the hospital and they got me all settled. I loved this hospital because they allowed me to whatever I wanted. I was really into using Essential Oils during my labor and pregnancy, and they were all for that. I could get in a pool or use a birthing ball, but for me I am about getting the job done. So I bypassed the pool and the ball. I walked the halls for hours, because the contractions were not hard enough to take of business.
I felt bad for T. because he was exhausted. I at least had the excitement of going into labor, so I was not tired at all. We finally conferred with the doctor that this little munchkin needed a kick start, so they started me on small dose pitocin at around 6 in the morning. That is when the party really got started, and we were in business. At 10 in the morning, little miss Cee made her debut in this world. She weighed 8 pounds. She was pudgy. She had fat rolls (fat rolls according to our standards) because her sisters before her were scrawny.
Her labor and delivery is just like her personality. She is my I will get to it when I get to it girl. She is easy going.
It was fun to watch her two older sisters respond to her. M was so mothering and J did not want to be left out but was just little enough she was not able to do everything M was able and had to be watched because she was at least going to try because M could. These two older sisters did everything for her. Cee did not talk as fast as M and J because her sisters talked for her. They did everything for her. We had hard wood floors, so she scooted herself across them. She did not actually crawl until Christmas time at Grandma and Grandpa’s where they had nice soft carpet.
Cee has been my little shadow since day one. As she has gotten older, she goes off on her own, but she still comes searching for me more than her other siblings do. She is a kisser and a hugger. She is very tender hearted. It always breaks my heart to be the one to cause the tears, but they come very easily for her. She loves to snuggle. Her daddy thinks she gives good back rubs and foot rubs.
She plays the piano and sings to her heart’s content. Cee reminds me of my mother and being able to tell what kind of mood she is in, because when she is happy, she is singing and my mom was like that. Cee is her grandpa E.’s twin. She looks so much like him.
She is the best 11-year-old girl a mom could have. I feel very blessed to be her mother. I have enjoyed her so much, and I know I will continue to enjoy her. She is catching up to me in height and she wears my shoe size. She is beautiful, and we love her dearly!